5.5.5 Release

  • iC3D New Features

    Welcome to iC3D New Features Page

    Below are the latest features available today!

    iC3D - Software Update V5.5.5 - Release date 11.03.19
    Creative Edge Software is pleased to announce our latest software update Version 5.5.5 of iC3D available for download now!.

    Please watch our 3.5min overview movie below which will showcase all the latest features of IC3D
    Click here to view in larger format via our youtube page


    New iC3D forum; user platform to share tips and best working practices

    Click here to engage with the new iC3D Forum

    • Automatically hide rear-facing labels and displacement effects, also included with multiple export options.
    • The ability to lock lighting environments independent of the camera;
    achieve same lighting effect from every pack shot angle
    • CMYK white handling options added to Special FX panel;
    visualize artwork elements with applied 0% CMYK values as white, or transparent effects
    • 3D printer support like Stratasys;
    multi choice 3D print export options, allowing you to print 3D mock-ups directly from iC3D
    • Added more modern OpenGL windows and contexts
    • Ability to add custom logos to iC3D Opsis accounts, available on request!
    To request your customized iC3D Opsis account, please download and follow a
    simple set of instructions on our customization form

    Click here to download the iC3D Opsis customization form

    Click here to download a Japanese version of the iC3D Opsis customization form

    To Access This Release:- You must have a valid support contract:

    - Email support@creativeedgesoftware.com to verify you are eligible for the release
    - You will be provided a link directly to the download

    Update Training:

    If you require training on the new updates & features of iC3D Version 5.5.5 please email support@creativeedgesoftware.com